Two Toed Tom | 9th Deadliest Man Eater Ever

 9. Two Toed Tom, 9th Deadliest Man Eater
 Two toed tom is a 4 1/2 meters giant male American alligator roaming in the swamps of the Border of Florida and Alabama in 1920s.Historically, He is called two toed because when he was young, his left hand was trapped in an iron trap, then it cut all his fingers but remain his two toes intact.

Rumor said that today the alligator remain alive because no one able to capture him death or alive in 1920s. even weirder, in 1980's some people had found huge two toes gators print in the same swamp 2 toed tom used to hang out. Local people said  that he was a devil because farmers had shoot them, but it did not scratch his skin.

Last Update,  since two toed tom had killed and devoured  dozens cattle and people. For that reason. Everyone wanted to see 2 toed tom died include one enthusiast farmer. He  had hunted 2 toed for 2 decades.In his last attempt,  He was using 15 bucket filled dynamite .that was too ended in a vein.

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