2 Most Expensive Cheese in the World.

Cheese becomes part of human’s life since hundreds of years ago. It comes from different group of milk products and different herbivores. Although Cheese is not always welcome in all family’s house, every people in the world know what cheese is. Cheese is available in many different flavors, forms and textures. View Cheese producers sale their product with premium price and some of them even rank on the top of the list 2 most expensive cheese in the world.
Universally, cheese maker took the basic ingredient of cheese from cow’s milk, buffalo, or sheep. With certain techniques, farmers turn liquid form of milk into solid form of cheese before they sold it to people. Today, Cheese is available in hundreds brands and modern cheese makers have added extra composition or different making technique or with different agent that was never used by traditional or conventional cheese producers before.
Back to Cheese price, here we are going to talk about world’s most expensive cheese.

They are not advertised heavily on TV, Magazines, Internet, Newspaper even radio. They are coming far away in the deep of European continent and they are not coming from cows, buffalos or sheep. According to research these most expensive cheese in the world compose lesser cheese compare to cheese product we know today. To read more about the topic, go to “Two Most Expensive Cheese in the world”

Our first world’s most expensive cheese is Moose Cheese from the Moose House. Moose house is a cheese factory located in Northern Sweden. The owner of the cheese house (Moose House) is Christopher and Ulla Johannson. They tamed their cheese product from 3 moose they named Gullan, Haelga, and Juna.

Cheese product come from these moose are low fat but producing them is hell of a hard work. They petted these 3 moose in a 59 acres farm and these moose cheese maker do not tamed their milks Before May or after September. Moose cheese compose 12% of Fat, 12% of Protein and they only capable to produce 600 pounds of Moose cheese per year. Some cheese experts say Moose cheese is much more delicious than other regular premium cheese in the market. The cheese producer knows it. It is why they labeled Moose cheese US$500 a pound.
Next, our most expensive cheese in the world is called Pule.

Pule is not coming from moose, goat, cow or buffalo milk. They are coming from Donkey milk. We can locate the producer of Pule in the north side of Belgrade. The cheese producer house is call Zasavica reserve.

Zasavica Reserve tamed Pule from 100 Balkan Donkeys they pet in their farmland. The manager said that a single pound Pule is resulted from 25 liters donkey milk. Talk about price, Pule is 100% pricier than Moose cheese. Every pound of Pule is worth €1,000. If you want to enjoy them, the producer ready to shipped it anywhere you are.