10. Devon Rex.
Devon Rex is our first breed on the list. People started to pet Devon Rex around 1960s. Devon Rex closely related to other short to down hair breeds such as Spinx with similar character such as big eye and large ears.Unique behavior of Devon rex is they enjoy perching on their master shoulder like parrots.
9. Scottish Fold
Our 2nd rare cat breed has unique characteristic on his ears. His ears has double or triple fold compare to other cat breeds. This uniqueness make Scottish fold head bulky or ear-less.Scottish fold ears began to show its fold around 21 days after born. Unique behavior about Scottish fold is their way to sleep. It mimic Buddha meditation position
8.Japanese bobtail
Japanese Bobtail unique outlook can be found on his rabbit-like tail. The tail help bobtail to maneuver in the air or hoping just like a rabbit. The history of bobtail can be traced back in 1602.In Japan, Japanese bobtail is called mike or Maneki neko. It symbolizes luck.
7.Khao Manee
Khao Manee has a long history in Thailand Since more than 666 years.It symbolizes a good charm and has dominated the house of Elite royals in the region. Outside Thai, It is known as Siamese Cats. His unique outlook is their different eye colors ( Gold/amber green and Silver) with pure white fur coated his skin.Khao Manee is extremelly protected . No Khao Manee found outside Thai until 1999 although The cats history has been predated or mentioned in the Book Cat book of Poems published 1350.
Savannah is a large size breed born from the crossing breed of African wild cat (serval ) and domestic cat.Commonly, The gene of a savannah compose with 50% serval when his father is serval. Savannah is a large breed that can grow up to 30 pounds. Similar to dog, Savannah is a loyal breed and smart. unlike common cat, Savannah has no problem plying water, they can hiss like a snake and able to jump from sitting position to 8 feet in the air in micro seconds.
5.Teacup Persians
Teacup Persian is the opposite of Savannah. a full grown of teacup Persians is 8 inches tall in average. male adult Teacup is commonly mere 7 pounds in weight while the female is 1 pound lighter.Teacup Persians is technically same as normal size Persian with all flaw characteristic
we can say muchkin is an unfortunate breed. People recognizes them from their short legs and large heads that most anthropologist predict as consequences of Mal genetic mutations.in a wild, munchkin is a little bit has problems to find a mate from different breed because of genetic disease they carry.
3.Pixie BOB
Pixie Bob is an exotic wild breed that is less overly compare to normal cat in people houses. Pixie bob is smart but rather chirping than meowing to communicate with people. Instead of sleeping, Some pixie bob enjoy fetching and walking around the house.
Minskin is a cross breeding cat from the mating of munchkin and devon rex. to be simple, Munchkin + Devon ReX= Munchkin Devon rex, Munckin Devon reX + Sphynx Cat= Minskin.
People started to know Minskin in 1998. First Minskin was born in 2000 and so far only 50 minskin available in this planet if this year is 2005.
1. Sphnx Cat
The Sphnx or Fur-less Cat or Canadian Hairless is a Cat breed known since 1966. first female Sphinx named Prune died without kittens in the same year. a year later, Prune sister managed to survived 2 kittens and it spread all across London since then. Terms Hairless or whisker-less or eyebrow-less for Sphnx is actually incorrect. Sphinx has fur. It just incredibly short and not enough to coat his delicate sensitive skin. if you have more opinion about the top 10 Rarest Cat Breeds in the World post, you can hit me comment.