Most Expensive Bullet in the World

First, let me describe my perception about the small item below. This bullet is artistic, charming, cute, rich and not as cold and heartless as other bullet I have ever seen before.  The bullet is 45 ACP hollow-points   and created by Bullet forge, a custom bullets maker and online retailer. The bullet tin is a 14-karat white gold that wears an amethyst on the top and 90 diamonds on every side of the amethyst

If you are Police, Arm dealer or Gun Collector, you should spare some money to get one of this. The bullet will bold your status as a Gun owner, customizable, and you can use the bullet as a pendant of your necklace or key-chain.  The price is only US$3,000 each and you can buy more if you want to. 
The weight of the bullet is little heavier than a regular 45-magnum bullet and the diameter is 9 mm. if you want to make one order, your should go to

Before make a payment, you had better send them email first.  This person is quite busy with back order and hunting copyright breakers this time.
One last important thing, this bullet is not a functional bullet. It is not compatible with any gun or pistols available in the planet. If you want to try using the bullet to shoot or hurt someone, this bullet might hurt your hand or jam your pistol. Moreover, the bullet carries diamonds everywhere.

 If you have a problem with someone, just give the bullet and I am sure he would forget your problem. No one should die or hurt because of your gun or the bullet right.