10 Surprising Objects Dogs Can Smell

You love dogs aren't you? After reading 10 most popular Dogs according to the size and 10 most dangerous Dogs, Now we are talking about 10 Objects that dog can smell.

If every dog in the world is trained to detect cancer, world should be a better living planet in the universe. Anyway, for now, only small number of people enjoy the benefit. if One day, there is more institution that train dog to sniff cancer, that will be awesome

Dog is not only man best friend but also bull best friend, sometimes. Ask cow farmer, why dog is so important for their industries. in farming dog's job is not only herding the cows. Dog job in the cattle is to find heat female cow ready to mate

Another extra benefit having a healthy good dog is to locate minerals. In one or several countries, dog is trained to sniff and locate mineral deposit in nature. Some are lucky enough

Bed bug is no one best bud. when no one able to extracts bugs from their bed, people rely man best buzz nose to do the job. Here, another dog's nose job done

What the hell Whale poop for ? well no one really know especially gig like me who only see sea couple years at once. anyway, if you want to know the reason why they need to employ dog nose for. click the info button below

Detect Nose can be trained to smell diabetes attack when it hit the peak. It may not new new for some of you, but in real life dog that can smell diabetes is rare even none in 3rd world country and many part of Asia

Bloody Vietnam war brought countless American Soldiers dead. It is still controversial government real agenda to launch the war. anyway, in the war, another innocent are dog wars. They are useful of course, but why they have to go to war giving their live for evil boss behind the door

Second thing on the list of 10 Surprising Object dog can smell is Pirated DVDs. I bet this is not something new for you in fact you probably by now already one dog like this in your house

Dog is an amazing creature. it is historically the oldest friend human can get from the mammal kingdom. From all uniqueness of the dog, dog smell is one of the best. It can detect countless thing human cannot do. One of that thing is bacteria.