10 Deadliest and Most Dangerous Books in the World

Technically speaking, planet earth is a house of millions of ideas. Ideas that came from a single person that exploded into countless innovations and..Unfortunately.. unfortunate events.
On the following, we give you little controversies. These are top 10 deadliest and most dangerous books in the world. I am pretty sure these books are still available today. If you find and read it, it is either big joke for you or big poisons for your brain. Let us check them out.
 10. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

The book was released during American Depression in the mid 1930s. John Maynard Keynes was the author and it was released in 1936. The book offers simple idea to free from deep depression. The idea was taking huge foreign loans and then used the money to buy goods to re run the economy. In the end of story, FDR owned $8 trillions that American had to pay later

9. Beyond Good and Evil

It is our first deadliest book in the list and was released in 1886 with author name Friedrich Nietzsche. Beyond Good and Idea is a bible of Anti Christ, fascism, communism and It says big no to religion. In short, it is a scumbag version of Darwin book Theory or Relativity.
 8. The Course of Positive Philosophy

Course of Positive philosophy is another book of No God. The author is Auguste Comte and released in 1830-1842.
 7. The Feminine Mystique

The author of the book was a survived victim of Nazi concentration camp, Betty Friedan. She experienced real act horror and inspired to share her dark memories with other woman into a book title The Feminine Mystique. “Win your own destiny woman and be aggressive with it” is pretty much main idea of the book.
6. Das Kapital
 Das Kapital in English is Screw you Capitalism. The author is Karl Marx and the book was released in 1867-1894. Das Kapital offered solution to take over corrupt Capitalism system with communism.

5. Democracy and Education

The book was sold in 1916 with author John Dewey. The main idea of the book is to replace teaching to thinking method with frequent repetitions. The idea is likely adopted in many communist countries few decades later.

4. The Kinsey Report
The Kinsey report from Alfred Kinsey 1948 uncovered dozens facts about American sexual behaviors during 1940s. In That old time, American just could not handle such book. Critic said it shocking; other said the content is dubious.
3. Quotations from Chairman Mao

Mao Zedong was a well known Military general, Communist head of state and author. The Quotation from Chairman Mao or more popular little red book was released in 1966. The book had shattered Chinese into pieces and chaos. The book poisoned millions young Chinese and turned them to be mass destruction weapon. It said no to Capitalism and God. The weird thing is, it suggest love Darwinism more then your own parents.
2. Mein Kampf 1925-26

Mein Kampf is the second deadliest book in the world in this top 10 list. Hitler here was babbling about anti Semitics, Racism, World War II, and Darwinism. Here, Hitler envisioned German would run the world under his commands.  It contains aggressive idea and freedom. Include a freedom of killing other people like pests.

1. The Communist Manifesto 1848

Big names sat on author section are Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. Two godfathers of communism. You can say the communist manifesto 1848 is the deadliest book of all time. The book bans God, Capitalism and worships labor powers and Darwinism. The book inspired some of the biggest liars and most scumbag leaders in history such as Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Hitler to rule.
Additionally, other books worth to be listed on a shelf most dangerous book in the world are:
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Darwin's Black Box, Malleus Maleficarum,Coming of Age in Samoa,The Prince,Mein Kampf, The Pivot of Civilization,Baby and Childcare,