10 Most Expensive Comic in the World

Comics fans indulges their need of fantasies through reading comics. Comic has a long history and through out ages the fans base have grown from just comic reader or collectors to be fanatic comic fans ( some with fat pockets) . On the following we have 10 most expensive comic all time

10. Amazing Fantasy, No. 15 Price: $280,000

Young Stan Lee drew and wrote the very first day of Tobey Maguire turn to be Spiderman in August 1960s. Amazing Fantasy no 15 preceded spiderman full comic titled the Amazing Spiderman

9. Flash Comics No.1 – $289,000

Flash Comics no 1 was released in 1940. The first flash comics no 1 features the early action of flash and Hawkman. Flash comics no 1 and ashcan editions Flash Comics no 1 are two different comics. The last one is probably the most expensive comic in the world

8.  More Fun Comics, No. 52 Price:  $316,000

More Fun Comics or previously known as New Fun the Big Comic magazine or New Fun Comics was a classic comic released since 1935-1947, More fun comic released for 107 editions. In edition 52, a superhero named The Spectre was introduced.
7. Batman, No. 1 Value: $359,000

Batman no.1 is Batman first debut after Batman last performance in Detective comics released in 1940. This issue features the introduction of Robin Hood for the first time.

6. Marvel Comics, No. 1 Value: $367,000

Marvel comics witnessed the born of Human torch in Professor Horton’s lab. God made human torch to be a hero but unluckily first he had to taste Professor Horton betrayal who did not believe he could be a good for humankind. In the comic also introduced another Marvel heroes for the first time such as the Angel, The Submariner and the Ka-Zar

5. Detective Comics No.1 – $405,000

Was in store for the first time in February 25, 1937, Detective Comics no 1 feature bunches of today not very popular comic bad people for the first time such as Speed Saunders and the River Patrol, Cosmo, Sen Yoi, Gumshoe gus and other names. Detective comic runs for 888 issues, making it the longest comic series ever in America

4. All-American Comics, No. 16 Value: $430,000

The 4th most expensive comic in the world originates the uprising of The Green lantern avenge for the first time. Here Alan Scott found his unexpected powers after he survived from a train accident. Green lantern tale in the comic is different compare to the Green lantern movie and the custom is pretty much simpler.

3. Superman no 1 $671,000

Do not get confused. It is correct that Superman debut was in June 1938 in a DC comic “Action Comic #1”. After paved his success in Action comic 1, DC decided to release Superman with his own name. This collection is a pure gold. Inside it, DC features Superman previous stories available in Action comic first series to 4th.

2. Detective Comics No.27 – $1,380,000

May 1939 marked the released of Detective Comics no 27. It was only 10 cents. Detective comic no 27, features the origin of a Dark Night prince Batman and his first loyal ally police officer commissioner Gordon. It is perfectly saying that Batman and Superman is kind a ying and yang of DC world.

1. Action comics no 1 (June 1938) $1,390,000 according to telegraph.co.uk

Action comics no 1 debut Superman Drama with Lois Lane. The original and authenticate of Action comics no 1 is worth millions. It depends on the condition of course. According to Price Guide, Action Comics no 1 with mint condition 9.4 out of 10 has price value $4.300.000 while highest record sale for action comics no 1 is $2.600.000 with mint score 9.0

Bonus: Flash Comic no 1 Ashcan edition asking price $5,000,000
Currently a comic fans offers rare Flash Comic no 1 Ashcan edition for $5,000,000. It might be the highest mostexpensive comic in the world if meet perfect buyer