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10 Backyard Herb Garden 07.07.2020
10 Backyard Herb Garden 07.07.2020
9:07 PM
Hendro Priyanto Kilo
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Top 10 Most Dangerous Dogs World
Sometime in 1980s. Pitt Bull epidemic followed by other breed hit the headlines and caused widespread bans to many countries. In 1991 for in...
6 Smallest Pets in the World
Pet is a special animal that God designed to live closer to our life. We allow them to wander inside the house, they can be a lifesaver, an...
Top 10 Music List Greatest Guitar players
By no means promoting music albums or musicians, we give you top 10 music list greatest guitar players in the world. These following names ...
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Tiger's Jaw | 9th Most Powerful Jaw in the World
Tiger Jaw : 1050 psi Tiger can grow up to 3.3 meters long and weighing 300 pounds. Tiger hunting fashion is solitary and mostly at n...
Spotted Hyena | 8th Most Powerful Jaws in the World
Spotted Hyena's Jaw : 1100 Psi ( 800 kgf/cm2) Different from a popular belief, Spotted Hyena is a closer relative to cat family fr...
Jaguar's Jaw | 4th Most Powerful Jaws in The World
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10 Animals that way Smarter then first Thought
Animɑls continue to ɑmɑze us by displɑying types of intelligence we once thought were reserved for humɑns. So the next time your pɑrtner fɑ...