Top 10 Deadliest Killers Underwater

Sea not only saves beauty, mysteries, adventures, but also danger animals, danger plants and hazardous current. Sea is a home of countless kind of aquatic plants and creatures. Some are harmless and others are harmful. On the following, we are going to track down top 10 deadliest creatures in sea. If you are divers, you should already familiar with them. Perhaps, you had tasted their attack too.
 10. Stingrays

Stingray is our first killer on the list. Although Stingray not always aggressive, close contact with them is not advisable. Stingray’s spear on his soft tail composes deadly neurotoxic that can cause shock and ugly trauma.

9. Moray Eels

Moray Eel in the 2nd list is a family of fish. Unlike other edible fish, they are poisonous. Their deadly weapon is on their little sharp teeth and it composes another neurotoxic compound that can be troublesome if it infected you when you are diving. One study writes that several moral eels types has toxic composition stronger than King Cobra Venom

8. Sea Lions

Sea Lions is an adorable creature and trainable. Although they rarely attack human, close encounter with this cute animal should be avoided. Sea Lions has line of sharp teeth and most of us do not know when they are moody and do not want to play with strangers.

Next, we are going to explore top 7 deadliest killers underwater

7. Salt water Crocodiles

Salt water Crocodile is surely non-venomous but too bad, they have line of sharp teeth and strong jaws. Salt-water crocodile can move swiftly underwater and they can surprise their victims with their attack when the victim is cornered.

6. Sea Snake

 Sea Snake is a family of Cobra. Sea snake is a unique type of snake with strong venom that can kill divers or big animals faster than any cobra on the ground. Sea Snake is available in different types and the more colorful they are obviously more deadly they are.

5. Lionfish

Lionfish is swimming with his poisonous fin rays. This feature is rare even among all aquatic animals around East Coast. Their fin rays can eject Pterois venom that triggers chronotropic effects.

4. Puffer fish


Puffer Fish or also called Blowfish owns unique attack technique. When they feel threatened, it will blow their venomous from their mouth. They can shoot their venomous attack out of the water. It composes Neurotoxin or Tetrodotoxin that can cause extreme pain

3. Stonefish

Stonefishes, family of Synanceiidae, are popular for their fatal venom. The victim says that the injury of their venom can cause extreme pain that only amputation can erase the pain. According to doctor, first treatment to diminish stonefish venom spread and the ugly pain is simply using hot water lower than 45 Degrees Celsius.

2. Tiger Shark & Great White shark

Tiger shark and Great white shark are surely most popular underwater killers in the world. They bring killing equipment since they were born and their sharp tooth are replaceable. As long they smell blood, they start to be aggressive. In this condition, no divers should approach them, more over if they are weighting more than a ton.

1. Box Jellyfish

On our first killer rank, we have famous Box Jellyfish. They do not have heart, they have “unlimited supplies of neurotoxic venom and they will use it to “attack” any living creatures who touches their tentacles. According to Daily Telegraph, Box Jellyfish is a world’s most venomous creatures.