10 Most Expensive Video Games Production in the World in the last 100 Years

Today we give you top 10 most expensive video game production in the world. Our most expensive list below is latest updated. The list include video game for Xbox 360, PlayStation and PC gaming

10.  LA Noire/2011/ Ps3, Xbox 360, Windows/ $50.000.000

Rockstar games published LA Noire. It is a classical action 3rd person shooter featuring classic element of movie production during 1940s-1950s. LA Noire enable gamer to set game color scene to black and white. The main idea of the game is mobs vs detective. Inside the game gamer will meet popular mafia character during the 50s such as The Black Dahlia, Chinatown and many more.

9. Halo 3/ 2007/Xbox 360/$55.000.000
Halo 3 is another shooting game from Microsoft Game Studio produced for exclusively Xbox 360 owners.  Halo 3 is opened with Halo: Combat evolved. It is a popular story for previous Halo 2.Halo 3 and Master Chief were great success for Bill gates. as to date, Microsoft has sold more than 11,000,000 copies of Halo 3. In 2007, Halo 3 was the best selling game in United States.

8. Metal  Gear Solid 4/2008/ ps3/ $60.000.000

Konami published Metal Gear Solid 4 in June 12th 2008. The game is made exclusive for Playstation 3 only. The game continued the adventure of Solid Snake after he completed his journey in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Overall, Metal Gear solid 4 or referred as MSG4 is a success game. Gamespot even review MSG4 as " Technically flawless" game.

7. Too human/2008/ 360/ $60.000.000

Too Human is coming from Solicon knight designed and published exclusively for xbox 360. It is an action role Norse mythology theme game featuring the Æsir vs Loki's armies and Generals. The reception of Too human is good enough. Not too good though. Too human aggregate score is 65 from 100 according Metacritics.

6.  Shenmue /1999/ Dreamcast/ $70.000.000

Shenmue is a 3D Adventure game from SEGA made exclusively for Dreamcast in 1999. The designer Yu Suzuki bragged FREE (full reactive eyes entertainment) feature available on Shenmue. Shenmue was the most expensive game in the world in 1999-2001. Shenmue 1 (1999) and Shenmue II was cost total $70,000,000. in 2011, those money equal to $95,000,000

5. Gran Turismo 5/2010/ PS3/ $80,000,000

Gran Turismo 5 is a great success for Sony Computer Entertainment. It features 1000 ready to use cars, 26 location and 71 different tracks. Introduced since November 2010, GT5 constally bringing juices up to now. In May 15th, Sales Department announced GT5 has exceeded 10,000,000 copies in Europe alone and total 65,000,000 copies worldwide.

 4.   Red Dead Redemption / 2010/ PS3, 360/ $100,000,000

Rockstar games should be proud of Red Dead Redemption. It was awarded as one of the highest rated video games ever.  Top Game publishing reviewer such Metacritic, gamestats and game ranking rated the Red Dead redemption 9,00 and beyond out of 10,00. Until August 2011, more than 11,000,000 copies sold.

3. Grand Theft Auto 4/2008/       PS3, Xbox 360, PC/ $ 100,000,000                                             

Rockstar Games released GTA4 in April 2008 and in December 2008 for Windows console.  It is action adventurer genre featuring Niko Bellic with his adventure againts gangster and curroptors. The reception GTA4 is positive. just 7 days after its released, Rockstar Games has fetched $500,000,000 revenue gross.

2.  Grand Theft Auto 5 / 2013/ PS3. Xbox 360/ $137,500,000

GTA 5 is upcoming action video games continues Niko Bellic story in previous GTA 4. Rockstar games planned to released the game in September 17th 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360. GTA 5 is a highly anticipated game. Game informer said GTA 5 world play is bigger than Red Dead Redemption world play, GTA; San Andreas and previous GTA IV world play combined.

1. Star wars the Old republic/ 2011/ PC/ $ 200.000, 000

BioWare released the video game in December 2011. Collaborated with LucasArts and LA Games, Star Wars: Knight of the old republic continued the adventure of Jedi in previous story on Star Wars: The Old Republic – Threat of Peace and Star Wars: The Old Republic – Blood of the Empire. Overall, Star wars the Old republic received positive critics 82% point and higher. in 3 days, the game has attracted 1,000,000 subscribers making it the fastest growing Massive Multi Player in the world. According to New York times December 18, 2011, Star Wars The old Republic production cost was around 150,000,000-200,000,000. It makes the game the most expensive video game in the world ever made.