Saltwater Crocodile's jaw | 2nd Most Powerful Jaws in the World

 Saltwater Crocodile Jaw : 3700 psi

If you hard to identify alligator and crocodile, you had to focus on that thing closed jaw. if you spot overlap teeth from the upper jaw, that thing is alligator.Alligator upper jaw is wider than the lower jaw.  in Contrast, Crocodile upper jaw and lower jaw is the same.

Crocodile is more aggressive than alligator and the bigger one has more  stronger jaw compare to the younger. When National Geographic measure the Saltwater Crocodile force bite, because of safety reason, they had to take 20-foot-less crocodiles to be the sample. It is estimated that a 20 feet long crocodiles and beyond can produce more than 7,000 PSI

Most Powerful Jaw in the world