Top 10 Most Popular Songs all time

This post might sound objectives but I am sure my objectivity is backed up with millions music lovers worldwide. Since 1400s, sing a song becomes part of daily life and the evolutions grew every century ahead. On the following, I give you top 10 best songs ever outside classical music composition came from legendary composers such as Beethoven, Mozart , Schubert and others typical composers with weird haircut.
10. The Winner Takes It All – ABBA

 The winner takes it all head hundreds pop music chart from Europe to South Africa and Australia in the mid 1980. The pop song is one of the most inspirational pop song in history.

 9. Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses
In GnR album Appetite, millions music listeners hear this songs for the first time in August 18th 1988. Sweet child O mine lead the band rank in many music charts for weeks

8. Imagine - John Lennon

John Lennon composes and sings the song as one of his anti war reaction protest. Imagine has fuel millions people conscious in the world that war is not always been a good solution.

7. Earth Song - Michael Jackson

Earth song is one of Michael Jackson best tracks. This song is on a rank with best Michael Jackson best tracks all the time together with Billie jean, Smooth Criminal, Thriller, Beat it and Bad.

 6. Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana

Nirvana include the song on their album Nevermind released in 1991. Kurt Cobain was not seriously made the track but he surprised, the song hit top rank of Rock hit list worldwide. The song is even listed in the list of best rock song of 20th century

 5. Crane's Crying – Vitas

Vitaliy Vladasovich Grachyov with his crazy voice is a unique singer from Eastern Europe.  Crane’s Crying is one of the hardest to copy song ever made and Vitas can handle the song challenge perfectly. This sad song is popular from Europe down to mainland China. If you don’t know who vitas is, YouTube it.

4. One – Metallica

Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield are 2 men behind the song that released in November 1987. Most rock fans worldwide know the song and it brought Grammy award to the band too.

 3. You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban

You Raise Me up firstly mere a music symphony without lyric. Rolf Loyland, who composes the track changes his decision once Brendan graham propose cool lyric to fill the symphony. You should already know Josh Groban sing the song and popular it wildly.

 2. Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

Stairway to Heaven is one of the tracks from Led Zeppelin 4th album. The track compose lyric from Robert Plant and Jimmy Page created the music composition. The track play for 8 minutes plus 2 seconds.

 1. Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen

Bohemian Rhapsody is one of track available on Queen album released in 1975. The song composes brilliant mixed of guitar solo, operatic tunes and acid rock section. Freddie Mercury combines 3 parts flawlessly and he input no chorus in this song.