5 Unpopular Facts about Pablo Picasso

Picasso is an inspiration, role model but regrettably, he is just mere an artist and not an Angel. Many things about Picasso are positive things to share and view things about him are something that children should not listen. In the following list, we are going to expose 5 unpopular facts about Pablo Picasso.

1. Picasso real name
Picasso has a long birth name so that it will fill up the whole space of one twitter status update. His birth name is Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuseno Maria de los remedies Ciprano de la Santasima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso.
2. Picasso early life
Picasso’s mother heard sad news shortly after she bore Picasso in a hospital on October 25, 1881. A midwife said that infant Picasso was abortive and she could not do anything to save the infant’s life. Luckily, Dr. Don Salvador, a physician and Picasso’s uncle, came to rescue his life. For his help, Picasso’s parent credited his name on Picasso’s birth name. Picasso’s first spoken words was 'piz' or 'pencil', in English.
3. If Picasso did not decide to be a painter, he could be a famous writer, sculptor, graphic artist, graphic designer and famous potter. He devoted his life to art and he adjudicated to express his taste of art over white canvases.
4. Picasso strives live
When he was young, his paintings could not give him much. He was poor and he could barely have money to buy firewood. In that time, to warm his room, he took some of his unsold precious paintings and burned it
5. Picasso extra tallents
During his life, out of painting, Picasso had made 100 thousand etchings, 34 thousand books illustrations, and 300 carvings and sculptures from ceramics.

Those are 5 unpopular facts about Picasso I can share to you. I hope you like it