Top 7 Facts about Eyeball Licking or Oculolinctus

This week eyeball licking is a trending topic around the web. If you are now searching for an answer everything about eyeball licking, I give you now top 7 facts about Eyeball licking.

1 The other name is Worming or Oculolinctus
Popular in Japan, Eyeball licking is another erotic gratification started in Japan. It is popular among teenager in Japan in 2013 but its popularity is also followed by negative implication and health issue

2. Why they start to lick the eyeball
it starts from romance, sex exploration, dating variations and else. Lots couple did it because kissing just boring. It creepy.

3. Why it is so popular
First because it is likely exploration and the second is because one video music from Japanese Band Born Featured this licking thing in their video

4. What is the impact
The answer is eye infection or popularly known as Pink eye. This new form of Fetish has cause thousand teenagers stay in Hospital for days , weeks or months

5. Can it cause Blindness
Hell yea. eyeball is supersentive body part. Cornea and rigid layer of tounge is not friendly. COrnea and Eyes are never meant to meet.

6. Will it become trend
It hard to tell. obviously, when one doctor says it is bad , another doctor will come from now where and come with solution. just like how condom been found

7. Is this eye licking thing only available in Japan
The answer is I hope it stays in that country and spread anywhere else. Many teens or Preteens found wore eye patches as a cost of eyeball licking