Top 5 Most Notorious Killer Spiders in the World

Spider comes on earth to balance the ecosystem and survive. Spiders get down to earth with different colors, different sizes, different behavior, strange mating ceremony and different defense mechanism. In wildlife, biologist differentiates spiders in two different classes, venomous and non-venomous.
Spider’s Venom is known as one of the strongest. Their neurotoxic venoms compose strong poison that powerful enough to kill big animals even human in less than an hour. Here, we are going to talk about these little monsters. This is 5 Most Notorious Killer Spiders in the world. In this blog, I only give one spider on rank 5 of most popular killer spider. This is Red Back spiders.

5. The Red Back Spiders

 Red Back Spider is originated from Australia. A female red back spider can be identified from orange stripe line that marked her back. This 5th most poisonous spider has 2 fangs that can inject powerful neurotoxic venom that can cause vomit, nausea, sweating even muscle weakness. Once the venom injected to its victim tissue it will spread fast until the victim paralysis. Without immediate treatment, it will kill its victim.
Next, I have Funnel Web Spiders, Brazilian Wandering Spiders, Brown Recluse Spiders and 1 mystery spider on the first rank of 5 most venomous spiders in the world.

This is top 4 most venomous spiders in the world. The first image on the post is the fifth deadliest spider in the wildlife.

4. The Funnel-Web Spiders

A male funnel web spider has bright brown and black on his exoskeleton. In the wild life, only male that carries the unique identification. Funnel web spider is another venomous spider with strong neurotoxic. Soon after the venom hit our tissue, it would triggers weird sensation sweating, seizure even unconscious.

3. The Brazilian Wandering Spiders

Our 3rd venomous spiders wanders in the deep of South America Green. They are aggressive and uneasy. From their fangs, they can inject serotonin that can cause extreme pain before the victim died. The venom triggers same effect as overdose

2. The Brown Recluse Spiders

A typical brown Recluse Spider has violin-Shaped back. The cool thing of the spider is their bite. It compose little pain killer drug but it can cause severe damage view minutes later. After the venom entered the tissue, it causes small bump, rotting and make the victim paralysis.

1. The Black Widow Spiders

This is our mystery guest, Black Widow Spider. Its native home is in North America. Black widow spider is renown for their weird mating ritual and strong neurotoxic Venom. Although the fang’s bite is pain free, the effect is severe. First, it causes back and abdominal pain follows by cramped muscle, dysfunctional breathing, anxiety, hypertension, and died. No one says it is wrong giving a title deadliest spider on earth to the Black Widow