Philosophically, everything money can buy is inexpensive. However, term inexpensive feel just do not fit if we related it to a diamond. Theoretically, this planet is a home of tons of diamonds but it is too bad not every human has access to tame it. Diamond symbolizes timeless beauty, honor, and respect.
Many of us worship diamond, willing to exchange it with our precious time, and it is not a new news that one diamond is equal to lives of hundreds African Miners that are forced to explore and find view carats of diamond in exchange of their life’s extensions.
Many of us worship diamond, willing to exchange it with our precious time, and it is not a new news that one diamond is equal to lives of hundreds African Miners that are forced to explore and find view carats of diamond in exchange of their life’s extensions.

Behind history of innocent and pure Diamonds lay countless untold stories. Thousand jewelry stores commercialize diamond and one of the most well respected merchant is Sotheby. When Sotheby sales one diamond, it is no doubt that it must be a first class item.
Recently, Sotheby’s auction announced that one new diamond they sold has cracked a new record as world’s most expensive auctioned diamond. Around 2 years ago, in May 2009, Sotheby publicized that most expensive auctioned diamond went to Star of Josephine. Star of Josephine is a blue diamond weighting 7.03 Carat. On that year, Star of Josephine hit priciest record at £6 million.

Time has changed and now Star of Josephine is the second most expensive auctioned diamonds in the world. One new diamond has taken its first rank position and if you want to know the name, Keep reading this post.
Our Latest Most expensive Diamonds sold in an auction is ex-Harry Winston diamond. The diamond now has a new name Graff Pink Diamond. Ex-Harry Winston diamond is a large pink rectangular rounded corners diamond weighting 24.78 karats.
This pink diamond hit the priciest auctioned diamond in the world since November 2010. In the past, the diamond belonged to Harry Winston. Harry owned the diamond more than 60 years.
Gemological Institute of America explained that the Ex-Harry Winston Pink diamond is a family of type IIa fancy vivid pink diamond .They said that the number of this type of diamond is estimated mere 2% of total diamonds in the world.
That time, the diamond’s trading took place in Sotheby’s Geneva. The auction opened the pre sale value of the diamond started from £17,000,000 up to max £24,000,000. In the end of auction session, they announced that the new owner of the diamond is A London Jeweler, Lawrence Graff. Lawrence Graff has become the new owner of the Ex-Harry Winston diamond after he exchanged it with $46,000,000.