David Letterman Top 10 Lists Fact

First, David Letterman Late Show Top Ten List was an occasional bonus of Late Night show, that Letterman featured to mock People Magazine in NBC.  Later, with more people response, the top 10 lists segments continued for several time as a regular menu on his every show.  That is a single fact about Late show top 10 list with David Letterman that we continued with following facts:

10.  David Letterman top 10 lists idea

The Dick Clark show February 1958- September 1960 from ABC Networks inspired David Letterman top 10 lists show. Dick Clark Show added top 10 records breaking for the upcoming weeks show before he closed his show.

9. Letterman top 10 lists first writer

He was Steve O’ Donnell, a head writer who in charge of Late Night Letterman Show. His idea came from William S. Paley and single funny top 10 list in Cosmopolitan magazine titled top 10 eligible bachelors’ list.

8. 1st top 10 list
 Very first title of Letterman top 10 lists was “top 10 things that almost Rhyme with Peas”

7.  Before join CBS

For several episodes, Letterman top 10 list was exclusive right of NBC. Once letterman moved to CBS, NBC denied CBS to use same title show. David Letterman top 10 list was renamed “Late show top 10”.  Along time, Letterman kept referred the show “top 10 list” without any repercussions from CBS.

6. Unique late show top 10 list episode

Out of controversies whether 9/11 was CIA make up or Terrorist Attack, It inspired one unique late show top 10 list episode titled “top 10 ways Osama Bin Laden Can improve his image”.  Could you guess what was on the list? Just a single list, List 10#, Osama is a soul-less asshole, there’s no chance Osama can improve his image.

5. Inhuman character presented the show

To keep the show attractive, several animated characters were featured to present the top 10 list. They were Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, great Optimus Prime, and Homer Simpson (2x)

4. The David Lettermen Show

David Letterman show preceded “Late show with David Letterman” segmented top 10 lists feature in NBC. The show was started in June 23rd until October 24, 1980.

3. Late Show with David Letterman
 Late Show with David Letterman debuted in August 30th, 1993 produced under Letterman Production. The show highest ad revenue gained in 2009. The show earning estimated $209 million the whole year.

2. Best Episode 
 1st most successful Late Show was in February 23, 1994, post winter Olympics game (15,000,000 viewers). 2nd most successful Late show was 2 days later (11,000,000 viewers)

1. Some of the best Late show top 10 list titles:

Top Ten Least Popular Broadway Shows
10. Oprah-homa!
9. Sunday in the Park with George Steinbrenner
8. Twelve Angry Men and a Baby
7. Sharptonmania
6. Roy Rogers' Incontinent Dog and Monkey Rodeo
5. I'm Not Gonna Pay a Lot for This Muffler: A Dramatic Reading by
James Earl Jones
4. David Brinkley's Enchanted World of Magic and Illusion
3. Meese!
2. Death of an Amway Salesman
1. Oh!  Velveeta!

Top Ten Least-Loved Christmas Stories
10. Amahl and the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
 9. The Sweatiest Angel
 8. Santa's Three-Day Eggnog Bender
 7. Christmas Eve at the All-Male Cinema
 6. A Holiday Visit from Salmonella
 5. Ironman Mike Tyson Hurts Santa Real Bad
 4. My Christmas Sauna with Burl Ives
 3. Jack Frost Loses the Feeling in His Extremities
 2. I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
 1. The Teddy Bear Who Came to Life and Mauled a Retail Clerk

Top Ten Least Popular Attractions at Disney World
10. The Raw Sewage Flume
 9. Oprah Mountain
 8. Moses Malone's Enchanted Laundry Hamper
 7. Parade of Short Actors in Stifling Animal Suits
 6. Pegleg Pete's Prison Shower Room
 5. Muggyland
 4. Hall of Vice Presidents
 3. Walt's Walk-in Freezer and Crypt
 2. Turn the Hose on Lady and the Tramp
 1. Peter Pan's All-Male Cinema